Importance of trust

The Backbone of B2B Success Read More

Trust is the invisible thread that weaves through the fabric of business relationships. Whether recruiting customers, delivering promises, or navigating the complexities of an organisation, trust is the guiding force.

At its core, trust is about creating a sense of belonging, a shared journey where both parties work in tandem to achieve common objectives.

 - Follow this link to listen to our podcast episode "Trust - The Real Currency of B2B"


The BRAVING Framework: A Blueprint for Trust

To truly understand trust in the B2B context, we turn to the insightful BRAVING framework, a creation of researcher Brené Brown. This acronym encapsulates the key elements of trust:


  • Boundaries: Clearly define what can and cannot be done, managing expectations from the outset. Setting boundaries is the foundation of trust, ensuring alignment between what is promised and what is delivered.
  • Reliability: Everything in B2B hinges on reliability. Consistently delivering on promises and providing the expected value establishes a track record of dependability, fostering trust over time.
  • Accountability: Taking ownership of both successes and failures is pivotal. Accountability breeds transparency and a commitment to continuous improvement, showing integrity in every facet of the business.
  • Vault (Confidentiality): Respecting the boundaries of confidentiality is paramount. Trust is eroded when sensitive information is mishandled, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding client and organisational data.
  • Integrity: Beyond mere words, integrity is about making the right choices, even when faced with challenges. It's aligning actions with values, a crucial aspect of building and preserving trust.
  • Non-Judgment: In the diverse landscape of B2B, understanding without passing judgment is key. Listening to clients' needs, even when they differ, cultivates an environment of collaboration rather than criticism.
  • Generosity: Going beyond transactions, generosity involves investing time, effort, and support in clients and colleagues. It's a commitment to growth, both for individuals within the organization and the clients they serve.

Applying the BRAVING Framework to B2B Marketing

Understanding the BRAVING framework not only provides a blueprint for building trust but also offers valuable insights for B2B marketers.

By aligning marketing strategies with these principles, organizations can enhance their credibility, create enduring relationships, and ultimately differentiate themselves in a competitive landscape.


  • Clarity in Value Proposition: Clearly communicate the value your product or service delivers. Managing expectations from the beginning sets the stage for a relationship built on trust.
  • Alignment Across the Organisation: Trust is a collective effort. Ensure that every department, from sales to support, is aligned with the principles of the BRAVING framework. This alignment reinforces a culture of trust throughout the entire customer journey.
  • Proof of Success: Substantiate your claims with tangible proof. Demonstrating past successes instils confidence and provides evidence of your organization's ability to deliver on promises.
  • Marketing Beyond Boundaries: Beyond traditional marketing roles, foster a culture of trust within the organisation. Encourage teams to work collaboratively, respecting boundaries, and understanding the interconnectedness of their efforts.
  • Generosity in Client Relationships: Extend generosity to clients by offering valuable insights, support, and a genuine commitment to their success. This generosity forms the basis for long-term, mutually beneficial relationships.

Broadening the Perspective: Learning Beyond Marketing

As B2B marketers, the journey to thought leadership involves looking beyond the confines of marketing literature. Embracing insights from disciplines like psychology, sociology, and leadership development can provide a holistic understanding of trust dynamics.

By adopting a multifaceted approach, marketers can elevate their strategies, creating a lasting impact on the organisations they serve.


Final Thoughts

Trust in the B2B realm is not a one-size-fits-all concept but a nuanced interplay of various elements. The BRAVING framework serves as a guide, offering a comprehensive view of the intricate dynamics involved in building and sustaining trust.

As B2B marketers continue to navigate the evolving landscape, incorporating these principles into their strategies will undoubtedly pave the way for lasting success. Trust is not just a transactional commodity; it's the foundation upon which enduring B2B relationships are built.